André Vida – Minor Differences (CD album)




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André Vida – Minor Differences (CD album)

André Vida is a Berlin-based saxophonist, composer and lyricist. He has developed a series of practical approaches to improvisation using restrictive outfits, animated graphics- based score installations and self-made instruments. His solo saxophone pieces are a synthesis of these areas of
improvisational research, combining body, instrument, song-forms, and voice.

In this case, the pieces are made in the moment and memory, with shifting time matrices. Over the course of a two-minute walk, some four tenors and four baritones move in pace from 307 beats per minute to 153 bpm, while on the other side of the street another sixteen sopraninos and sopranos make their way through the traffic lights and blindfolded crosswalks walking at an inverted progression. One gets faster as another slows down, continually shifting up and down, at opposing positions and tempi.

The harmonic downbeats and amalgams of these compositional choices are made over repetitive sets of recording passes. Always deaf to the final result but holding it as long as the building allows.

A revised and redesigned version of The Loom, originally published in 2013 in a limited edition, is included with the CD.

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