The collaboration between Chris Heenan and Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga started about a year ago as they were going to perform together for the last day of a photography event in Berlin. The event was supposed to take place in a swimming pool and did not take place after all but the two musicians continued to play together and after a short while they performed as a trio, with the addition of Ferran Fages (with whom Dimitra performs as a duo as Ap’strophe), for two consecutive nights at Sowieso, in Berlin. From the sessions between the two musicians at that period surfaced the 17 minute long improvised “der schlaue Fuchs” that we are very happy to present you via the more mars team’s nous series. In this recording session Chris plays the contrabass clarinet using extended techniques, often incorporating multiphonics with surprising results. Dimitra experiments with the zither extending its sonic possibilities by preparing its strings making use of various objects detached from their usual usage, as well as of electronic media as the e-bow.
Chris Heenan, Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga – Der Schlaue Fuchs (3inch CDr)
Chris Heenan, Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga – Der Schlaue Fuchs (3inch CDr)