Dave Phillips – To Death (CD album)




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Dave Phillips – To Death (CD album)

this album is dedicated to death. i don’t mean death the spectre that installs horror and fear in many (in the western world), nor death the enemy of the (western) for-profit medical system, but death as part of a cycle, like birth. death the only certainty in life. dying, like living, as something that can be done well – or not. death also something that can be a release, a relief, a liberation, the end of suffering, a freedom.

this album is inspired by my father’s illness, deterioration and death, and my being his carer for the 15 last months of his life. recording this album started 6 months into that journey, from october 2020 on.

it was my father’s wish to die at home, and my siblings and i granted him that wish.

the album was sent off to press early june 2021, when my father died.

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