Maybe the most mysterious & thought-provoking german experimental project with
recordings derived from field recordings so bizarre it’s difficult to find any words
for it!
This work features very short sequences of concrete sounds, arranged in a structural
and temporal way that the “known reality” is placed in a new frame & context, thus
making it possible that the world behind may become “visible” through our acoustic
senses. What is usually familiar is suspended in order to make new experiences.
The used acoustic elements have been configured in a certain causal formation which
is not consciously perceivable within the phenomenal order. The phenomenon hides
the principle & substance of the sound-pieces.
“Sowohl das Reihungsprinzip selbst als auch die Substanz der Elemente bleiben in der
phänomenalen Anordnung verborgen (also unbekannt) – das Phänomen verdeckt
Prinzip und Substanz, weil weder räumliche noch zeitliche Ordnungen dazwischen
treten können. – substantia innominata et principium innominatum.” [Kallabris]
Great full colour artwork by Mal Hoeschen (Multer, Genesungswerk, Schauzeichen),
edition of 500 copies, transparent fluor green vinyl.