This release marks the comeback of the legendary duo from New Mexico, USA, consisting
of BONNIE McNAIRN and JIM WILSON! Over a decade ago (1992-1995) VOICE OF EYE
released three albums with their unique style combining ethnic, ritualistic & folklore influ-
ences in an experimental and highly organic way to create a kind of “transcendental drone
ambience”, using only “real” instruments & self-built devices and an array of electronic
effects. In November 1994 they released an EP entitled “Sprocket” on Drone Records (DR-09),
which is still one of the absolute highlights in the Drone series. After this first phase of
musical creation VOICE OF EYE focused on building an incredible “Earthship” house in the
deserts of New Mexico. In 2007 they returned doing shows in the States, Germany, France
& Italy and releasing two limited CDRs. This 10″ has 3 tracks with NEW material (entitled
“VIRYA”, “DHYANA” and “PURUSA”) inspired by the wisdom of Buddhist / Advaitic meditation
& philosophy, where the contemplation within music & sounds appears as a tool to reach a
higher consciousness & awareness of reality. This highly sublime & emotional “other-
dimensional” ambience is based on lots of ethereal vocal material, flute-sounds and their
typical self-built string-instruments, full of yearning and beauty – almost 39 minutes of
material coming on clear vinyl with golden striae, with superb artwork by THOMAS DOHMEN.
This is the celebration of the “Unknown”, seen as a state of mind where the Ego dissolves
into a timeless universal consciousness.
Edition of 500 copies.
Voice Of Eye – Substantia Innominata (10inch vinyl)
Voice Of Eye – Substantia Innominata (10inch vinyl)